After a slow morning of running the first Top 12 Run Off at Craigantlet did not start until 5.05pm but then with time running out the second class runs were cancelled in favour of the second Championship runs. These were easy to decide as to who had qualified as there were only 10 runners over there so they were to run in the order in which the first run finished, ie, Junior last. However, with Roger Moran on the hill, the heavens opened with a deluge of biblical proportions and that left the day done with just Woodside, Tim Coventry and Junior still to run. You can see their efforts in the wet...

The championship takes a break, but there is Midland Loton Park on weekend 11 12 August and then the MAC 100 meeting at Shelsley Walsh on 17 18 19th August for one of the biggest hill climbing get togethers in recent years, if not ever. Be there!!




Graeme Wight Jnr 41.82
Tim Coventry 42.64
Tim Mason 43.38
Simon Woodside 44.12
Roger Moran 44.31
Michael Beattie 45.11
Graeme Wight Snr 45.74
John Leinster 46.53
Andy Kittle 47.26
Mike Dean 49.92
Only 10 qualifyers  
Tim Mason 42.71
Roger Moran 44.48
Michael Beattie 44.62
Graeme Wight Snr 45.31
John Leinster 46.16
Andy Kittle 46.77
Simon Woodside 47.80
Tim Coventry 48.20
Mike Dean 48.48
Graeme Wight Jnr 52.75
Only 10 qualifyers