2001 British Hill Climb Round Winners

Looking back on 2001 the winners were as below. There were six different winners including Martin Groves clinching his first ever outright win in his debut year in the big class whilst Graeme Wight Jnr racked his tally of outright hill records to four after taking 1.49 seconds off the Doune record in June 2000. He therefore has the record at all three Midland hills. Tim Coventry also took his first outright win at round three as he battled against team mate Tim Mason who again made Wiscombe his own this year. Roger Moran changed over the the Gould V8 and took a while to get used to it but once it was sorted he took September Loton as well as the BMTR Top 10 Challenge over the Midland Hills. Roy Lane won just one, but it was were experience showed through - Bouley Bay.

May 27 01 Gurston Down........Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
May 27 02 Gurston Down........Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)

Jun 17 03 Shelsley Walsh..........Tim Coventry (Gould GR37)
Jun 17 04 Shelsley Walsh......Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51) Rec

Jun 24 05 Prescott............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Jun 24 06 Prescott............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)

Jul 01 07 Harewood............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Jul 01 08 Harewood............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)

Jul 08 09 Shelsley Walsh......Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Jul 08 10 Shelsley Walsh......Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)

Jul 19 11 Bouley Bay..............Tim Coventry (Gould GR37)
Jul 19 12 Bouley Bay................Roy Lane (Pilbeam MP58)

Jul 21 13 Val des Terres...........Martin Groves (Atol T95)
Jul 21 14 Val des Terres.............Tim Mason (Gould GR37)

Jul 29 15 Wiscombe Park..............Tim Mason (Gould GR37)
Jul 29 16 Wiscombe Park....Tim Mason/Graeme Wight Jnr (tie)

Aug 04 17 Craigantlet.........Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Aug 04 18 Craigantlet................Tim Mason (Gould GR37)

Aug 26 19 Gurston Down........Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Aug 26 20 Gurston Down...............Tim Mason (Gould GR37)

Sep 02 21 Prescott............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Sep 02 22 Prescott............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51) Rec

Sep 09 23 Loton Park...............Roger Moran (Gould GR37)
Sep 09 24 Loton Park...............Roger Moran (Gould GR37)

Oct 07 25 Harewood............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)
Oct 07 26 Harewood............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51)

Oct 14 27 Loton Park....................Martin Groves (Atol T95)
Oct 14 28 Loton Park............Graeme Wight Jnr (Gould GR51) Rec