Gurston Down saw five sub record runs at their second meeting of the year for the Tran-X British Hill climb championship with both Tim Mason and Graeme Wight Junior going underneath the record in both run offs, and Graeme Wight winning the class with another sub record run. At the start of the day the Andy Priaulx record was 27.14, but by the end of the second runs it was 26.77 to Wight Junior.

Roy Lane had two thirds, Durling two fifths as denoted below in the tables, but the MP88 of Roger Moran that won at Harewood in July didnt go so well with a mechanical failure in the second class runs meaning he didnt qualify. Non big class runners were made to go away with their tails between their legs as Phil Cooke did a 28.54 in the class runs and then 2 tenths slower in the run off from a class record well into the 29s at the top of the day. Likewise Mark Budgett batted the 1100 record into the cornfields to make it two records in two weekends.

Deryk Young made a mistake in the last run off, hence 12th, whilst the Paul Haimes / Allan Warburton car is for sale.

Next round is next weekend, September 1st, at Prescott near Cheltenham where the cars are fast and the day is slow.





Round 29 Round 30
Tim Mason 26.83
Graeme Wight Jnr 27.03
Roy Lane 27.53
Martin Groves 28.07
Simon Durling 28.17
Roger Moran 28.27
Rob Turnbull 28.62
Deryk Young 28.66
Karl Davison 28.75
Ben Butterfield 28.76
Trevor Willis 28.98
Paul Haimes 29.17
Graeme Wight Jnr 26.77
Tim Mason 26.94
Roy Lane 27.79
Rob Turnbull 27.92
Simon Durling 27.95
Karl Davison 27.96
Martin Groves 28.26
Ben Butterfield 28.53
Phil Cooke 28.74
Trevor Willis 28.93
Paul Haimes 29.06
Deryk Young 29.32


All Photos from Neil Harvey