Having been out during the week and bought up all of the available spares for the broken 'diff from the week before at Shelsley Walsh, Graeme Wight Junior got the Gould V6 fixed and ran away with yet another couple of wins in the Tran-X British Hill Climb Championship at Loton. Even the wet weather could not put him off.... In practice though, he was 0.2 seconds inside his own record so had it been dry, another point or two may have gone his way.

With the first run off delayed because the track needed to be swept of standing water after a torrential downpour, Roger Moran borrowed Chris Merrick's MP72 for second after the oil leak problems with the Pilbeam V6 are not yet fixed from Shelsley. He was third in the afternoon.

Tim Mason and Martin Groves failed to qualify for the first run off, whilst Trevor Willis' engine just stopped off the line hence his non score. That left the door open for Ben Butterfield to be the fastest 2 litre runner in the run off.
The next round of the championship is at Doune Near Stirling in Scotland where once more, we expect Graeme Wight Junior to blitz them all, just as he did last time when he shaved - chopped - 1.5 seconds off the record!


Sunday June 9th 2002

Round 13

Round 14

Graeme Wight Jnr 56.79
Roger Moran 57.45
Simon Durling 57.72
Roy Lane 58.00
Deryk Young 58.39
Ben Butterfield 59.62
Paul Haimes 60.45
Chris Merrick 61.48
Adam Fleetwood 61.77
Oliver Tomlin 61.83
Allan Wrburton 61.90
Trevor Willis Fail
Graeme Wight Jnr 46.77
Tim Mason 47.90
Roger Moran 48.27
Martin Groves 48.44
Simon Durling 48.53
Trevor Willis 48.60
Roy Lane 48.76
Paul Haimes 49.35
Simon Frost 49.72
Oliver Tomlin 49.76
Paul Ranson 49.80
Chris Merrick 50.08